Securing University Data

Your Responsibility

  1. Know and understand the Technology Resources General Policy and the Technology Policies
  2. Understand what data are sensitive
  3. Do not provide sensitive data for other departments or individuals
  4. Report policy violations
  5. Enforce data security in your area

Everyone that uses sensitive University data must be authorized to do so. Data should never be provided to anyone other than by the officially designated University departments. Being able to access sensitive data does not give you the authority to provide this data to others.

If there is a legitimate need for you to review student or employee information and you are not authorized, contact the owning department (Registrar, HRD) with your request. Access will be granted after the appropriate paperwork is completed.

Preventative Measures
Keep your laptop computer in a locked cabinet when not in use to make it harder to steal.

Use security lockdown devices to make it harder for thieves to open the case to steal parts (but check with IS&T so that this does not affect the warranty).

When you go out, always lock the door to your office – even if you are just going out for a short time.