Intern / Teach / Volunteer Abroad

Intern Abroad Internships abroad are a great resume builder and an excellent vehicle through which to learn more about a culture. The world of work is quite different from that of a student so internships provide a nice compliment to any study abroad experience. The variety and scope of various internship programs make this an attractive option for any student. The cost of participation is usually more money than you will make (if it's a paid internship) so it shouldn't be looked at as a money-making enterprise. Student teaching abroad falls under the internship category.

Teach Abroad Teaching English abroad is a great way for recent graduates to "go abroad again." Typically these are non-credit bearing programs in which students financially break even with careful budgeting. This is a popular option for both Education Abroad alumni and for those students who weren't able to fit Education Abroad into their degree.

Volunteer Abroad Volunteer programs abroad are a great way for students to get hands-on experience, engage with a community, and develop their skill set. The downside is that many charge a program fee to help cover administrative costs (setting up placement, working out project details abroad, arranging accommodation, and providing a support network for the volunteers). Some ideas for funding your volunteer trip are to solicit fund-raising dollars through community events, sending support letters to family and friends, or speaking to businesses.

Mailing Address
Center for International Services and Programs
2121 Euclid Ave BH 412
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Berkman Hall 412
1899 E 22nd St
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Phone: 216.687.3910
Fax: 216.687.3965

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